4 Bad Examples of Toletta Installation

We have been asked a lot where Toletta should be placed. By knowing how to install Toletta properly, you will be able to save yourself and your cat from wasting time and missing an opportunity to catch signals from your cat. Below we provide some bad Toletta installation examples!

How NOT to Set Up Toletta

1. Cat’s body/ Toletta/ Sensor plate/ Scoop is in contact with the wall

When Cat’s body/ Toletta/ Sensor plate/ Scoop is in contact with the wall, Toletta may miscalculate the data. It is recommended to place it in a big area.

2. Place Toletta inside a cage or on an unstable floor

    Do not place Toletta in a cage. Cages or unstable flooring, including floor mats and carpets, are common issues with Toletta installation. It is best to place it on a level surface with an even hard floor for the accurate measurement.

    3. Place Toletta on a pad and put a tape or cloth on the light

    If you place Toletta on a cat litter pad, this might also be unstable for Toletta. Place Toletta on the floor directly. The light on Toletta plays an important role in recording your cat’s elimination. Do not put tape or cloth on Toletta light, as it may cause a fire or malfunction.


    4. The power cord hits Toletta / Sensor plate

      If the power code hits Toletta or sensor plate, that may cause a problem. Keep the power code under control.

      The following can cause unmeasurable data

        • ・When there is dirt or foreign substance on the sensor plate*

        • When using absorption and clumping litter

        • When using unofficial parts or parts that are not installed correctly

        • When in direct sunlight

        •      * Please be careful when you clean and install Toletta since the sensor plate is very delicate.

        The Right Way to Place Toletta

        •   ・There is enough space around Toletta

        •   ・Toletta is placed on a hard and flat floor

        •   ・Toletta is not touching anything

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